A conviction for theft can come with hefty fines and jail or prison time, but in many situations, a person is falsely accused, makes a mistake, or has a temporary lapse of judgment. A theft charge could be resolved through community service, probation, substance abuse classes, and restitution instead of jail or prison time.
When you or someone you love is facing a theft charge, you can benefit from the assistance of a Reno theft lawyer. John Arrascada is an experienced criminal defense attorney who will fight aggressively to defend your rights.
There are three primary types of theft: petit larceny, grand larceny, and embezzlement. Petit larceny is a misdemeanor when a person takes property worth less than $1,200. For example, taking clothing items from a retail store would be considered petit larceny when the value is less than $1,200. A person convicted of petit larceny faces six months in jail, fines of $1,000, and making restitution for the stolen items.
Grand larceny is a felony with three categories. A Class D grand larceny felony is when someone allegedly takes items between $1,200 and $4,999. A Class C grand larceny felony occurs when a person allegedly takes property valued between $5,000-$24,999. A Class C conviction can result in a fine of $10,000 and between one and five years in prison. Someone can be convicted of a Class B felony when they allegedly take property worth $25,000, but no more than $99,000, and they can face between one to ten years behind bars and a fine of $10,000 or more.
Under Nevada Revised Statute § 205.300, embezzlement occurs when a person entrusted with another’s money or property takes the funds or items for personal use. The crime of embezzlement is a felony, and a conviction can result in six months in jail and a minimum fine of $1000 up to 10 years or more in prison and fees of $10,000 or more, depending on the amount of money or the value of property stolen.
A knowledgeable theft attorney in Reno can present a strong defense that results in a dismissal without trial. Mr. Arrascada can argue for reduced overall charges, lower fines, and a shorter sentence when a trial is necessary.
Under Nevada Revised Statutes § 205.0832, theft is when a person knowingly takes the property of another without permission and with the intent to control and deprive such person of the use and enjoyment of the property.
Theft can also occur when a person lies to gain control over another’s finances or property. Taking a person’s intellectual property without adequate compensation is also theft. For example, a person makes copies of illegally downloaded music and sells the songs to others. Other crimes that fall under the definition of theft include:
A Reno larceny attorney can negotiate a deal for probation, community service, or rehabilitation so a client will not have to spend months or years in jail.
When you are charged with theft and do not have representation from a skilled, respected attorney like John Arrascada, you could receive a sentence that results in the loss of employment, future difficulty finding a job, and the social stigma of being seen as a thief.
A Reno theft lawyer can present evidence leading to a dismissal of your larceny charges or work to get you a favorable deal. For more information, call us or complete our online form.