The functioning of government relies on the public’s trust in their institutions and public officials. Any attempts to undermine the impartiality of government employees, such as legislators and judges, can be considered bribery.
If you have been accused of bribery, it is critical to take immediate action to protect yourself. A Reno bribery lawyer can defend you against prosecution and criminal penalties. Rather than facing prison time and monetary fines, you can fight back with the help of John Arrascada and his dedicated team of criminal defense attorneys.
State law defines bribery in relation to both the judicial system and the executive branch of state government. Promising or offering any kind of compensation in exchange for influence can lead to felony charges.
Compensation can also be a “gratuity or reward” in addition to money, meaning that a quid pro quo could count as bribery under certain circumstances. Simply trying to bribe an official with “offers or promises” can be enough for a bribery charge, even if the official does not do anything to accept the attempt.
Under Nevada Revised Statutes § 197.010 and §199.010, bribery of judicial, executive, or administrative officials is considered a category C felony. A conviction can result in a one to four-year prison term as well as a fine of up to $10,000.
Unfortunately, the consequences of a bribery charge extend beyond potential legal penalties. A charge alone can ruin a person’s reputation, and a conviction can lead to an individual having a criminal record.
Avoiding these types of consequences is where a bribery attorney in Reno comes in. From the start of an investigation to trial, a lawyer at The Law Offices of John Arrascada can protect a person’s rights and guide them through the process.
Once a person becomes the subject of an investigation, they will likely experience difficulty with law enforcement. However, an attorney can make sure that police and prosecutors follow legal procedures.
For example, they can ensure that an individual’s Fourth Amendment rights against illegal search and seizure are respected by law enforcement, excluding improperly obtained evidence before an indictment. A Reno lawyer can also challenge the evidence presented by the prosecution to show that the accused did not commit bribery beyond a reasonable doubt.
They can help demonstrate that bribery did not occur or that the person did not intend to bribe the official. By interviewing witnesses and challenging the prosecution’s evidence, legal counsel can build a compelling defense to protect an individual from legal penalties.
Bribery cases are pursued aggressively to maintain accountability and uphold the integrity of government processes. If you have been accused of bribing a government official, do not take this situation lightly. These charges can lead to severe penalties, and even a mere accusation can damage your reputation.
With the assistance of a Reno bribery lawyer, you can stand up for yourself and your rights. You have legal options available. Meeting with an attorney as soon as possible is crucial to securing the best possible outcome, even if you are only suspected of bribery. Reach out to The Law Offices of John Arrascada today to schedule a consultation and discuss your case.