Reno Conspiracy Lawyer

Most people think that as long as they do not commit an action that breaks the law, they will not be convicted of a crime. Generally, that concept is true, but agreeing to commit a crime can lead to an investigation and charges for conspiracy, even if the crime does not take place.

If you have been accused of criminal conspiracy, a Reno conspiracy lawyer can help you construct a strong defense and protect your rights. John Arrascada and his team of criminal defense attorneys take an aggressive approach and know how to aggressively advocate for favorable outcomes. Let us help you work toward the best possible outcome today.

The Crime of Conspiracy: No Action Required

Each state defines its crimes and the penalties for conviction. Nevada Revised Statutes §199.490 defines conspiracy as merely making an agreement to commit a crime and does not require any specific overt act to occur.

Therefore, an agreement to rob a bank or kill someone is illegal under state law. If a prosecution can prove that the agreement existed, then a person could be charged with a category B felony or a gross misdemeanor, depending on the agreed-to crime. Even if no one takes further action—like buying a weapon or securing a getaway vehicle—the agreement is enough to commit criminal conspiracy.

Penalties for criminal conspiracy can vary in length of prison time, depending on the crime involved. For example, conspiring to commit murder can result in a two to ten-year prison sentence as well as a $5,000 fine. Conspiring to commit other serious crimes listed in Nevada Revised Statutes §199.480, such as robbery, sexual assault, kidnapping, and human trafficking, could lead to a prison sentence of one to six years.

If you did not actually commit a crime, a conspiracy attorney in Reno can help you potentially avoid prison time and protect your rights during criminal proceedings.

How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help

An attorney can defend a person accused of conspiracy in several ways. If police bring an individual in for questioning, a lawyer can make sure that investigators do not overstep or violate the person’s rights.

If the individual is later charged with criminal conspiracy, a defense attorney can challenge the prosecution’s evidence. For example, a lawyer can question the accounts of eyewitnesses and other circumstantial evidence in order to show that an agreement did not happen. They could also show that the evidence cannot lead to a guilty conviction beyond a reasonable doubt.

By meeting with a Reno conspiracy attorney as soon as possible, a person increases their chances of a favorable outcome. A defense attorney can help a suspect before being charged and during prosecution to prevent serious penalties, such as a lengthy prison sentence.

Get Help From a Reno Conspiracy Defense Attorney Today

Finding out that you face criminal charges can feel overwhelming, and it can be even more challenging to defend yourself when the accusation is based solely on an agreement. Fortunately, you can rely on the experienced and aggressive John Arrascada to advocate on your behalf.

As a Reno conspiracy lawyer, Mr. Arrascada can effectively fight back against the government’s attempts to prove conspiracy. Contact The Law Offices of John Arrascada today to discuss your case and find out how our team can assist you.