Although the state allows legal prostitution under certain circumstances, there are specific rules that an individual must follow to avoid criminal charges. For example, prostitution or solicitation is only legal under state law if it takes place within a licensed house of prostitution, or “brothel”. When you are arrested for prostitution or solicitation, you need help from a knowledgeable sex crimes attorney who will aggressively advocate for you.
A Reno prostitution lawyer at the Law Office of John Arrascada can help protect your legal rights when you are charged with a crime involving prostitution.
Prostitution is defined under the law as engaging in sexual conduct in exchange for either money or valuable items. Individuals are prohibited from engaging in prostitution under Nevada Revised Statutes § 201.354, unless the actions take place at a legalized house of prostitution.
Legal houses of prostitution still face certain restrictions. For example, it is illegal to operate a house of prostitution within 400 yards of a school or religious building, and property owners are prohibited from renting to a person who will use the premises to engage in prostitution or operate a brothel.
State law also prohibits operating a brothel on any town’s primary business street, and the entrance or exit of a licensed brothel cannot be on a principal business street, even if the building itself is not.
An attorney in Reno can explain the range of prohibitions and restrictions on actions involving prostitution, even when the conduct takes place at a licensed brothel.
In addition to restrictions on location and operations, advertising prostitution is restricted by Nev. Rev. Stat. § 201.430. Brothels may not advertise on public theaters, streets, or highways or if otherwise prohibited by local ordinance. The State places similar prohibitions on preparing print advertisements for brothels, and no person or company may facilitate the illegal advertising of a brothel.
The State can also find an individual guilty of pandering if they compel, persuade, or recruit an individual to engage in prostitution. Pandering does not involve the use of violence or threats to coerce.
When a property owner receives notification that illegal prostitution is taking place on the premises, a court could also find them guilty of advancing prostitution unless they take action to end the activity within 30 days.
When an individual is found guilty of a crime involving illegal prostitution, the court can impose severe penalties and fines. For example, engaging in illegal prostitution is a misdemeanor that can carry penalties of up to six months in jail and at least a $400 fine for an initial offense. After three offenses, the penalties can increase to a minimum $1,300 fine and up to a one-year sentence in county jail.
Crimes such as advancing prostitution and pandering are considered felonies, and they can carry a one-to-five-year prison term and up to a $10,000 penalty. A Reno attorney can help explain the potential jail time, penalties, or fines for other crimes involving prostitution.
You should consult with a Reno prostitution lawyer when you are charged with a crime involving prostitution. John Arrascada can assess the facts of your situation and discuss your legal options in a candid, straightforward way.
Since certain crimes involving prostitution are classified as felonies, the penalties for failing to obtain competent legal counsel are potentially severe. Contact us today to schedule a confidential consultation.